Practical Manual Of Histology For Medical Students

1st Edition, 2009


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Practical Manual Of Histology For Medical Students (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Salient Features
* Defines the structure of different organs of the human body with attractive pictures.
* Covers all the aspects of the practical histology for undergraduate medical and paramedical students.
* Includes the introduction of Clinical Histology part which makes the subject more interesting and the list of important probable questions asked by the examiners during slide discussion.
* A color atlas with three identification points which helps the students to go through all the examination slides just before the practical examination has been included.
* Designed in simple and lucid language with easily understandable and attractive handy diagrams.

Table of Contents
Section One : Introduction
* Color Atlas with Identification Points
* History of Histology
* General Instructions
* Study of Microscope

Section Two : Geberal Histology
* Epithelial Tissue
* Connective Tissue
* Specialized Connective Tissue
* Muscular Tissue
* Nervous Tissue

Section Three : Systemic Histology
* Lymphoid System
* Circulatory System
* Integumentary System
* Digestive System (Tooth and Tongue)
* Digestive System (Salivary Glands)
* Digestive System (Esophagus and Stomach)
* Digestive System (Intestine and Pancreas)
* Hepatobiliary System
* Renal System
* Respiratory System
* Endocrine System
* Male Reproductive System
* Female Reproductive System
* Central Nervous System
* Organ of Special Sense (The Eye)

List Of Examination Slides General Histology
* Loose Areolar Connective Tissue
* Adipose Tissue
* Compact Bone (TS)
* Compact Bone (LS)
* Hyaline Cartilage
* Elastic Cartilage
* Fibrocartilage
* Skeletal Muscle (LS)
* Skeletal Muscle (TS)
* Smooth Muscle (LS)
* Smooth Muscle (TS)
* Cardiac Muscle (LS)
* Peripheral Nerve (LS)
* Peripheral Nerve (TS)
* Spinal Ganglion
* Sympathetic Ganglion

Systemic Histology
* Lymph Node
* Spleen
* Thymus
* Palatine Tonsil
* Large Artery
* Medium Size Artery
* Large Size Vein
* Medium Size Vein
* Thick Skin
* Thin Skin
* Tooth (LS)
* Circumvallate Papilla
* Filiform Papilla
* Fungiform Papilla
* Parotid Salivary Gland
* Sublingual Salivary Gland
* Submandibular Salivary Gland
* Esophagus (TS)
* Stomach (Fundus)
* Stomach (Pylorus)
* Duodenum (TS)
* Jejunum (TS)
* Ileum (TS)
* Vermiform Appendix
* Large Intestine (TS)
* Pancreas
* Liver
* Gallbladder
* Kidney
* Ureter (TS)
* Urinary Bladder
* Trachea (TS)
* Lung
* Hypophysis Cerebri (Pituitary Gland)
* Thyroid Gland
* Parathyroid Gland
* Suprarenal Gland
* Testis
* Epididymis (TS)
* Vas Deferens (TS)
* Seminal Vesicle (TS)
* Prostate
* Ovary
* Fallopian Tube
* Uterus (Proliferative Phase)
* Uterus (Secretory Phase)
* Mammary Gland (Lactating Phase)
* Umbilical Cord
* Cerebrum
* Cerebellum
* Spinal Cord
* Cornea
* Eyeball (Retina)
* Index
Title Practical Manual Of Histology For Medical Students
ISBN 9788184485387
Edition 1st Edition, 2009
Number of Pages 224
Country India
Language English

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