Clinical Orthodontics

1st Edition, 2010


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Clinical Orthodontics (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

This book is targeted for every Orthodontic professional – postgraduate students (residents), practicing orthodontists and academicians and is a contemporary reference for all undergraduate level dentistry students. The contents of the book have been based on its theme:

Current concepts: dealing with the unique approach to diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment sequencing and execution of treatment in diverse clinical situations

Goals: redefining orthodontic treatment goals in accordance with the current understanding of the science

Mechanics: highlighting newer methods, unbiased treatment approach, and refined mechanics to produce high-quality results.

Salient Features
* Most comprehensive reference book covering a wide array of clinical concepts
* Covers numerous well-documented clinical cases along with illustrations providing an excellent tool for the orthodontists to serve their patients better
* Includes unique chapters like Digital imaging in orthodontics,Interdisciplinary orthodontics, Excellence in finishing, Functional goals in orthodontics, and Managing an orthodontic practice
* Truly international standard book with a dynamic group of leading world-class clinicians, researchers, teachers and authors delivering cutting-edge information
* Includes more the 2000 high-quality illustrations.

Table of Contents
Detailed Contents
1) Croniofacial Growth, Diagnosis and treatment planning
2) Digital imaging in orthodontics
3) Sagittal Discrepancies
4) Vertical discrepancies
5) Transverse discrepancies
6) Surgical Orthodontics
7) Role of Skeletal Anchorage in modern orthodontics
8) Lingual Orthodontics
9) Management of Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate patients
10) Treatment of Periodontally compromised patients
11) Interdisciplinary Orthodontics
12) Functional Occlusion goals in Orthodontics
13) Excellence in Finishing
14) Retention and Stability: A perspective
15) Management of an Orthodontic Practice
Title Clinical Orthodontics
ISBN 9788131221914
Edition 1st Edition, 2010
Number of Pages 496
Country India
Language English

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