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Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation

10th Edition, 2012


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Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Focusing on the dental materials most commonly used, Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation, 10th Edition covers the tasks that dental assistants and dental hygienists typically perform. It shows the most current materials, how to mix and apply them in a clinical setting, and how to educate patients about them. Now in full color, this edition adds more photographs of materials actually being mixed, used, and applied, and includes detailed coverage of ceramics, metals, and implant and impression materials. Written by well-known experts on restorative dentistry and materials, John Powers and John Wataha, Dental Materials is a trusted text that keeps you on top of the rapidly developing field of dental materials.

* Comprehensive, focused coverage includes all the materials and tasks relevant to day-to-day practice of dental assistants and dental hygienists.
* Cutting-edge content describes the latest materials commonly used in dental practice, including those in esthetics, ceramics, dental implants, and impressions.
* More than 400 illustrations and photographs make it easier to understand properties and recognize differences in materials in general and specific types of products.
* Discussions of materials begin with a study of their properties and uses before moving into specific manipulations and applications in dentistry.
* Note boxes highlight key points and important terminology throughout the text.
* Summary tables and boxes summarize key concepts and procedures.
* Quick Review boxes summarize the material in each chapter.
* A logical format sets up a solid foundation before progressing into discussions of specific materials, moving from the more common and simple applications such as composites to more specialized areas such as polymers and dental implants.
* Review questions provide an excellent study tool with 20 to 30 self-test questions in each chapter.
* Key terms are listed at the outset of each chapter, bolded at their initial mention in the text, and defined in the glossary.
* Learning objectives in each chapter focus your attention on essential information.
* Supplemental readings in each chapter cite texts and journal articles for further research and study.
* Conversion Factors on the inside back cover provides a list of common metric conversions.
* Expert authors are well recognized in the fields of dental materials, oral biomaterials, and restorative dentistry

About the Author
By John M. Powers PhD, Senior Vice President and Editor, The Dental Advisor, Dental Consultants, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan; Professor of Oral Biomaterials, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials, University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston, Houston, Texas and John C. Wataha, DMD, PhD, Chair, Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Washington.
Title Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation
ISBN 9788131233368
Edition 10th Edition, 2012
Number of Pages 246
Country India
Language English

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