Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education

1st Edition, 2012


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education (Paperback)

TK. 1,125

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Product Specification & Summary

This comprehensive textbook disseminates information of basic principles of anatomy and physiology and would prove to be really useful for healthcare professionals including pharmacy, nursing, and physiotherapy, medical and dental students. It contains clear, compelling and up-to-date discussions of anatomy and physiology and is complemented by extensive colour illustrations.

Key Features
* The book emphasizes on basics like integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, and endocrine system that helps human body to work efficiently.
* Anatomy and Physiology of all systems are discussed in detail for enhancing student’s knowledge.
* Figures and tables have been used throughout the chapters to explain terms and concepts.
* End of chapter exercises like long answer questions, multiple choice questions, true or false, and fill in the blanks at the end of chapters help students to practise for examinations.

About The Author
Mrs.Rohini Agrawal is Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Pacific College of Pharmacy, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Table Of Contents
1. Structural and functional organization of human body
2. The Integumentary system
3. The Skeletal system
4. The Muscular system
5. The Nervous system
6. The Endocrine system
7. The Haemopoietic system
8. The Lymphatic system
9. The Immune system
10. The Respiratory system
11. The Cardiovascular system
12. The Digestive system
13. The Urinary system
14. The Reproductive system
15. Sense organs
Appendixes (Health Education)
Title Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education
ISBN 9788131231005
Edition 1st Edition, 2012
Number of Pages 768
Country India
Language English

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Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education

Rohini Aggarawal

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