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Textbook Of Medical Physiology

1st Edition, 2005


চলবে ২১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Textbook Of Medical Physiology (Paperback)

TK. 2,690

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Product Specification & Summary

The book presents an exhaustive and thorough exposition of the fundamentals of medical physiology. The exposition is divided systematically into three sections covering General

Physiology, Systemic Physiology and Specialized Integrative Physiology. Each section begins with a brief Introduction highlighting the topics covered. The subject is then explained in a graded manner with a large number of tables, flowcharts and diagrams to aid understanding. The level of exposition in the book is sufficiently detailed for it to serve as a useful text for undergraduate courses as well as for PG entrance examinations

Salient Features
The unique feature of this book is its compilation in three divisions viz. General Physiology, Systemic Physiology and Specialized Integrative Physiology.

The division on Specialized Integrative Physiology highlights the role of different systems in accomplishing a particular important function of the human body. For example: the integrative role of nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, skin and endocrine system in controlling body temperature is described in one chapter.

Table of Contents
* Part-I General Physiology
* Section 1: General Physiology
* Part-II Systematic Physiology
* Section 2: Nerve Muscle Physiology, Section 3: Blood And Immune
* System, Section 4: Cardiovascular System, Section 5: Respiratory System
* Section 6: Excretory System, Section 7: Gastrointestinal System, Section 8:
* Endocrinal System, Section 9: Reproductive System, Section 10: Nervous System, Section 11: Spcial Senses
* Part-III Specialised Integrative Physiology
* Section 12: Specialised Integrative Physiology
Title Textbook Of Medical Physiology
ISBN 9788181478504
Edition 1st Edition, 2005
Number of Pages 1360
Country India
Language English

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