Cardiovascular Physiology

9th Edition, 2006


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Cardiovascular Physiology (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

The Mosby Physiology Monograph Series offers the fundamentals of body systems physiology in a clear and concise manner. Each volume in the series is written by experts in the field for an authoritative, yet readable introduction to the physiology relevant to a particular organ system. This new 9th edition of Cardiovascular Physiology offers:

* Clear, accurate and up-to-the-minute coverage of the physiology of the cardiovascular system focusing on the needs of the student.
* Pathophysiology content throughout that serves as a bridge between normal function and disease.
* Integrated student-friendly tools, including learning objectives, overview boxes, key words and concepts, chapter summaries, and clinical cases with questions and explained answers

Key Features
* Gives students a solid understanding on how the system functions in both health and disease.
* Includes throughout, excellent illustrations and consistent pedagogical features tht focus student learning.
* Provides clinical commentaries to help students apply what they've learned to real-life clinical situations.

About the Author
Matthew N. Levy MD, Professor Emeritus, Physiology
Title Cardiovascular Physiology
ISBN 9788131204597
Edition 9th Edition, 2006
Number of Pages 288
Country India
Language English

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Cardiovascular Physiology

Matthew N. Levy

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