
1st Edition, 2012


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Physiology (Paperback)

TK. 2,160

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Product Specification & Summary

Lippincotts Illustrated Reviews: Physiology brings physiology clearly into focus. Brand new to the LIR arsenal, it tells the story of who we are, how we live, and, ultimately, how we die. By first identifying organ function and then showing how cells and tissues are designed to fulfill that function, LIR Physiology decodes this discipline like no other text or review book. Each element was tailored for ease of use and fast content absorption, all combining to bring this story to life for readers. Visionary artwork, Clinical Applications, and Unit Review Questions teach and reinforce the most essential concepts in physiology-perfect for classroom learning and test/boards preparation!

Salient Features
* More than 600 lively, full-color illustrations, the hallmark of the LIR series, painstakingly, and often humorously (watch for the jokes!), guide readers step by step through complex processes.
* Overviews and Chapter Summaries set clear goals for topic mastery and reemphasize essential concepts from each chapter in a coherent framework.
* Clinical Applications boxes and clinical images encourage readers to apply their knowledge, taking them from the classroom to the bedside.
* Margin Example Equation boxes and in-text boxes highlight memorable information and keep physiology in a real-world context.
* Consistent outline format makes critical information easy to access and assimilate.
* Cross references and Infolinks to topics within this book are keyed to page headers to expedite location and are also provided for topics in other LIR books for an interdisciplinary grasp of key concepts.
* Unit-review questions in board-review style test understanding of fundamental concepts as well as the ability to draw connections among multiple organ systems.

Table of Contents
UNIT I: Principles of Physiologic Function
* Cell and Membrane Physiology
* Membrane Excitability
* Osmosis and Body Fluids
* Epithelial and Connective Tissue

UNIT II: Sensory and Motor System
* Nervous System Organization
* Central Nervous System
* Autonomic Nervous System
* Vision
* Hearing and Balance
* Taste and Smell
* Motor Control Systems

UNIT III: Musculoskeletal and Integumental Physiology
* Skeletal Muscle
* Cardiac Muscle
* Smooth Muscle
* Bone
* Skin

UNIT IV: Cardiovascular System
* Cardiac Excitation
* Cardiac Mechanics
* Blood and the Vasculature
* Cardiovascular Regulation
* Special Circulations

UNIT V: Respiratory System
* Lung Mechanics
* Gas Exchange
* Respiratory Regulation

UNIT VI: Urinary System
* Filtration and Micturition
* Reabsorption and Secretion
* Urine Formation
* Water and Electrolyte Balance

UNIT VII: Gastrointestinal System
* Principles and Signaling
* Mouth, Esophagus, and Stomach
* Small and Large Intestines
* Exocrine Pancreas and Liver

UNIT VIII: Endocrine System
* Endocrine Pancreas and Liver
* Adrenal Glands
* Thyroid and Parathyroid Hormones
* Female and Male Gonads

UNIT IX: Living and Dying
* Pregnancy and Birth
* Thermal Stress and Fever
* Exercise
* Systems Failure
Title Physiology
ISBN 9788184734423
Edition 1st Edition, 2012
Number of Pages 518
Country India
Language English

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