Primary Care of the Newborn

4th Edition, 2006


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Primary Care of the Newborn (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Table of Contents
1. Prenatal Visit
2. High-Risk Pregnancy
3. Prenatal Monitoring
4. Neonatal Resuscitation
5. Physical Examination of the Newborn
6. Transitional Period: The First 6 Hours of Adaptation From Intrauterine to Extrauterine Life
7. The Head
8. Otolaryngology
9. Ophthalmology
10. Cardiology
11. Pulmonary System
12. Gastroenterology
13. Genitourinary System
14. The Nervous System
15. Orthopedics
16. Skin Care
17. Hematology
18. Birth Injuries
19. Jaundice
20. Infection
21. In Utero Drug Exposure
22. Inherited Metabolic Diseases
23. Metabolism and Endocrinology
24. Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening
25. Breast-Feeding
26. Childbirth Education, Parent-Infant Bonding, and Continuing Education
27. Indications for Transfer to the Intensive Care Nursery
28. Discharge Considerations and Process
29. Adoption
30. The Importance of Wasting No Time
31. Cultural Considerations

Appendix A: Conversion Tables and Formulas
Appendix B: Anthropometric Charts and Tables
Appendix C: Laboratory Observations
Appendix D: Procedures
Appendix E: Breast Milk and Chemicals
Appendix F: Composition of Nutritional Products
Appendix G: Physical Observations
Appendix H: Neonatal Pharmacology
Appendix I: Newborn Nursery Policy Statements
Title Primary Care of the Newborn
ISBN 9788131209820
Edition 4th Edition, 2006
Number of Pages 688
Country India
Language English

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