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Handbook Of Emergency Medicine

8th Edition, 2012


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Handbook Of Emergency Medicine (Paperback)

TK. 1,305

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Product Specification & Summary

Emergency Medicine is a nascent specialty, yet to take the podium in Medical Sciences, especially in low-income countries. The burden of care rests heavily on general practitioners as well as Emergency departments. Inexperienced medical and nursing personnel gallantly deliver their best with all that they have.The purpose of this book is to portray simple, yet effective management protocols of commonly occurring emergencies, delivered with minimal equipment, in practice at the emergency departments of hospitals and colleges all across the country. The highlight of this “ready reckoner” is the step-by-step practical guidance in which resuscitation, therapeutic regimen, and infusion protocols have been advocated to ensure realistic application is rustic conditions.

Key Features
New to the edition
* Triage guidelines updated
* AHA guidelines updated
* New chapters on:
* Hicckcoughs
* Febrile neutrophenia
* Ventilator settings
* Electrocution
* Procedures – tube thoracostomy
* Fundoscopy
* Foreign Body
* Sepsis – Goal directed therapy
* Eye, Ear and Nose

New To Edition
The highlight of this ‘ready-reckoner’ is the step-by-step practical guidance, in which resuscitation, therapeutic regimen and infusion protocols have been advocated, to ensure realistic application in rustic conditions. It is hoped that this tool would empower the first responder, with confidence and clarity, in delivering standardised emergency management to all.

Table of Contents
Section Topic
I. General Instructions
1. The Ten Commandments of Emergency Medicine
2. Patient Care
3. Infection Control

II. Life-Threatening Emergencies
4. Airway Obstruction
5. Cardiac Arrhythmias
6. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
7. Myocardial Infarction (MI)
8. Pulmonary Embolism
9. Shock - Senthil

III. Medical Emergencies
10. Acute Pancreatitis
11. Acute Stroke
12. Adrenal Crisis
13. Bronchial Asthma
14. Coma
15. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
16. Diabetic Non-Ketotic Hyperosmolar State
17. Eclampsia
18. Gastroenteritis
19. Hanging
20. Hyperkalaemia
21. Hypertensive emergencies
22. Hypocalcaemia
23. Hypoglycaemia
24. Hypokalaemia
25. Hyponatraemia
26. Meningitis
27. Migraine
28. Needle-stick injury
29. Psychiatric Emergency – the violent patient
30. Sepsis
31. Syndrome of inappropriate ADH Secretion
32. Upper GI Bleed

IV. Environmental Emergencies
33. Bee and Hymenoptera Stings
34. Dog Bite - Rabies Immunoprophylaxis
35. Electrical Injuries
36. Heat stroke
37. Inhalational Injury and poisoning
38. Commonly Inhaled poisons
39. Submersion Injury (Near-Drowning)
40. Scorpion Envenomation
41. Snake Envenomation

V. Toxicology
42. An Overview of Poisoning
43. Benzodiazepines
44. Hydrocarbons (Kerosene, Petrol, etc.)
45. Hair-dye
46. Methanol
47. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
48. Oduvanthalai (Cleistanthus collinus)
49. Oleander (Cerebra thevetia)
50. Organophosphates
51. Organocarbamates
52. Organochlorides
53. Paracetamol
54. Phenothiazines
55. Pyrethrum ( Mosquito repellents)
56. Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA)
57. Warfarin-like substances

VI. Paediatric Emergencies
58. Airway Management and Neonatal Resuscitation
59. Respiratory Distress
60. Bronchiolitis
61. Convulsions
62. Croup
63. Cyanotic Spells
64. Dehydration in Children
65. Epiglottitis
66. Hypoglycaemia
67. The Incessantly Crying Child

VII. Surgical Emergencies
68. Burns
69. Early Management of Trauma
70. Epistaxis
71. Foreign body – Eye, ear, nose
72. Fractures - Emergency Management
73. Head Injury
74. Gas Gangrene
75. Nail bed emergencies – Perionychia
76. Rhabdomyolysis and Compartment Syndrome
77. Shoulder Dislocation
78. Testicular Emergencies
79. Wound Management

VIII. Procedures
80. Assisted Ventilatory Support
81. Circulation Monitoring
82. Central line placement
83. Endotracheal Intubation
84. Gastric Lavage
85. Intravenous Access
86. Mid-dorsal Digital Nerve Block
87. Naso-gastric lavage
88. Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV)
89. Peripheral Nerve Block
90. Plaster of Paris (POP) Splint
91. Pulse Oximetry
92. Suprapublic Cystostomy
93. Tube Thoracostomy

IX. Therapeutics
94. Blood Transfusion
95. Dopamine
96. Phenytoin Sodium
97. Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN)
98. Ketamine
99. Magnesium
100. Noradrenaline
101. Streptokinase

X. Disaster Medicine
102. Triage
103. Mass Casualty Incident

XI. Medico-Legal Issues
104. General Information
105. Grievous Injury - IPC 320
106. Information to Police
107. Medico-Legal Cases
108. Notifiable Diseases
109. Release of a Dead person
Title Handbook Of Emergency Medicine
ISBN 9788131230473
Edition 8th Edition, 2012
Number of Pages 316
Country India
Language English

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