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দ্যা ম্যানিং অব ইট অল

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দ্যা ম্যানিং অব ইট অল

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Richard P. Feynman's The Meaning of it All collects a series of public lectures from one of the greatest scientific minds of the twentieth century. What is science and what is its true value? Can a scientist believe in God? Why, in this supposedly scientific age, is there such widespread fascination with flying saucers, faith healing, astrology and alien invasion? Can there be such a thing as a satisfactory philosophy of ignorance? At the peak of his career, maverick genius Richard Feynman gave three public lectures addressing the questions that most inspired and troubled him. Covering everything from the atomic bomb to ethics, the imagination to the meaning of life, they are brought together in this provocative and hugely entertaining volume.
Title দ্যা ম্যানিং অব ইট অল
ISBN 9780141031446
Country Abroad
Language English

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দ্যা ম্যানিং অব ইট অল

Richard P. Feynman

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