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দ্যা এওয়াকিং অব ইনটেলিজেন্স

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দ্যা এওয়াকিং অব ইনটেলিজেন্স (Paperback)

TK. 1,078

বর্তমানে প্রকাশনীতে এই বইটির মুদ্রিত কপি নেই। বইটি প্রকাশনীতে এভেইলেবল হলে এসএমএস/ইমেইলের মাধ্যমে নোটিফিকেশন পেতে রিকুয়েস্ট ফর রিপ্রিন্ট এ ক্লিক করুন।


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Product Specification & Summary

Summary of the Book
This book is a record of the teachings of Krishnamurti. It is an excellent and vast introduction to the thoughts of the great philosopher. Krishnamurti examines the role of the teacher and tradition. He discusses the need for awareness of ‘cosmic consciousness’ and the problems with good and evil. He tells us about the traditional Vedanta methods that could be of help to different levels of seekers.

About J. Krishnamurti
Jiddu Krishnamurti was a popular writer and speaker on philosophical and spiritual subjects. His subject matters were about the purpose of meditation, human relationships, and how to bring about a positive change in global society. He has spent more than sixty years going around the world and talking about it. He shared his thoughts on death, disease, freedom, meditation, fear, God and nature.
Title দ্যা এওয়াকিং অব ইনটেলিজেন্স
ISBN 9780140296495
Country Abroad
Language English

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দ্যা এওয়াকিং অব ইনটেলিজেন্স

J. Krishnamurti

৳ 1,078 ৳1078.0

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