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ড্রিমস ফ্রম মাই ফাদার (পুরস্কারপ্রাপ্ত লেখকদের বই) image

ড্রিমস ফ্রম মাই ফাদার (পুরস্কারপ্রাপ্ত লেখকদের বই) (Paperback)

President Barack Obama

Total: TK. 1,078

ড্রিমস ফ্রম মাই ফাদার (পুরস্কারপ্রাপ্ত লেখকদের বই)

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ড্রিমস ফ্রম মাই ফাদার (পুরস্কারপ্রাপ্ত লেখকদের বই) (Paperback)

6 Ratings  |  1 Review

TK. 1,078

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Product Specification & Summary

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race And Inheritance Barack Obama Reprint Edition by Barack Obama is an account of the author’s life, his journey, and the crucial moments that led him to become the forty fourth U.S President in 2009.

The narrative begins with Obama’s life in Harvard Law School. Born in Hawaii, he led a difficult life having to deal with his parents’ divorce when he was only two. The absence of his father who was too busy finishing his Ph.D. in Harvard, led him to create an imaginary father figure for himself.

Obama’s mother remarried and the whole family moved to Jakarta. However, Obama returned to his grandparents in Hawaii for pursuing his education. Being the only black kid in his high school, things were rough on young Barack. Yet, he connected with the African-American community in Hawaii. This influenced him to a great extent.

In Occidental College, Obama described a different and carefree kind of life. After this, he moved to New York and majored in political science in Columbia University.

This book does not merely iterate the biographic details of the life led. The author emphasizes the pain, the emotions, and the jubilation he felt at every challenge he faced and eventually overcame.

At one point of the narrative, the author describes his journey to Kenya and meeting his relatives for the first time. This book stresses on the importance of race-relations and the need to obliterate racial divide.

About Barack Obama
Barack Obama is the first U.S African-American President.
He has published his own memoir called Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race And Inheritance in July 1995 when he was just starting his political career.

He was born in Hawaii on 4th August, 1961. He acquired his law degree from Harvard Law School. He had worked in Chicago as a civil rights attorney and was associated with the University Of Chicago Law School.

It was during his Illinois campaign in 2004 that Obama received national attention. In 2007, he began his primary presidential campaign against Hillary Clinton whom he defeated. He then went on to defeat John McCain in the general election. In 20th January, 2009, Obama was elected the President of the U.S. Obama has been re-elected on January 20th, 2013, for his second term, after defeating Mitt Romney.
Title ড্রিমস ফ্রম মাই ফাদার (পুরস্কারপ্রাপ্ত লেখকদের বই)
ISBN 9781847670946
Edition New Edition, 2008
Number of Pages 442
Country Abroad
Language English

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ড্রিমস ফ্রম মাই ফাদার (পুরস্কারপ্রাপ্ত লেখকদের বই)

President Barack Obama

৳ 1,078 ৳1078.0

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