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ডাটাবেস সিস্টেম কনসেপ্টস

6th Edition


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ডাটাবেস সিস্টেম কনসেপ্টস (Paperback)

TK. 2,768

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Product Specification & Summary

Database System Concepts by Silberschatz is now in its 6th edition and is one of the cornerstone texts of database education. It presents the fundamental concepts of database management in an intuitive manner geared toward allowing students to begin working with databases as quickly as possible.

Silberschatz is designed for a first course in databases at the junior/senior undergraduate level or the first year graduate level. It also contains additional material that can be used as supplements or as introductory material for an advanced course. Because the authors present concepts as intuitive descriptions, a familiarity with basic data structures, computer organization, and a high-level programming language are the only prerequisites. Important theoretical results are covered, but formal proofs are omitted. In place of proofs, figures and examples are used to suggest why a result is true.

Salient Features
* Revised Coverage of SQL: The coverage of SQL is earlier and more complete, with greater attention to the variants of SQL that exist in actual systems.
* New Running Example of a University Organization: A new database schema based on university data is used as a running example throughout the book.
* Revised and Expanded Coverage of Database Design: An updated chapter on ER modeling makes good use of the new running example of the university database.
* Updated Chapter on Relational Design: The Relational Design chapter has been updated with a more readable style, providing more intuition about normalization before covering fuctional dependency theory.
* Expanded and Updated Applications: The material on application security has been significantly expanded and emphasis is on practical issues over abstract concepts. Additionally, new material on application development has been included, mirroring rapid changes in the field and early coverage of OLAP is featured.
* Transaction Management: Coverage has been moved earlier in the book, with chapter 14 providing basics for an introductory course and details following in Chapters 15 and 16. The new edition also features coverage of snapshot isolation including coverage of potential hazards when using it.
* Expanded Coverage of Distributed Data Storage Systems: Also known as cloud data storage, distributed data storage systems are increasingly used for storing Web scale data and are more and more significant for today's computer professionals.
* Object Database and XML Chapters Postponed to Later in the Book: Although object-oriented languages and XML are widely used outside of databases, their support and use in databases is limited, making them appropriate for more advanced courses. Placing this material later in the book allows it to be more easily skipped.
* Upgraded Chapter on Web Applications and Their Relationship to Databases: The updated material on Web Applications answers the increasing need for web-related expertise in the computing field.
* Emphasis on practical issues, applications and implementation, coupled with intuitive coverage of key theoretical concepts.
* Case studies covering the latest versions of IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL.
* Detailed coverage of database internals and architectures.
* Chapters on data mining and analysis and information retrieval.
* The text website features instructor's solutions manual, and slides.

Table of Contents
Part 1: Relational Databases
* Chapter 1: Introduction
* Chapter 2: Introduction to the Relational Model
* Chapter 3: Introduction to SQL
* Chapter 4: Intermediate SQL
* Chapter 5: Advanced SQL
* Chapter 6: Formal Relational Query Languages

Part II: Database Design
* Chapter 7: Database Design and the E-R Model
* Chapter 8: Relational Database Design
* Chapter 9: Application Design and Development

Part III: Data Storage and Querying
* Chapter 10: Storage and File Structure
* Chapter 11: Indexing and Hashing
* Chapter 12: Query Processing
* Chapter 13: Query Optimization

Part IV: Transaction Management
* Chapter 14: Transactions
* Chapter 15: Concurrency Control
* Chapter 16: Recovery System

Part V: System Architecture
* Chapter 17: Database-System Architectures
* Chapter 18: Parallel Databases
* Chapter 19: Distributed Databases

Part VI: Data Mining and Information Retrieval
* Chapter 20: Data Mining
* Chapter 21: Information Retrieval

Part VII: Specialty Databases
* Chapter 22: Object-Based Databases
* Chapter 23: XML
* Chapter 24: Advanced Application Development
* Chapter 25: Advanced Data Types and New Applications
* Chapter 26: Advanced Transaction Processing

Part IX: Case Studies
* Chapter 27: PostgreSQL
* Chapter 28: Oracle
* Chapter 29: IBM DB2 Universal Database
* Chapter 30: Microsoft SQL Server

Part X: Appendices
* Appendix A: Detailed University Schema
* Appendix B: Other Relational Query Languages
* Appendix C: Advanced Relational Database Design
* Appendix D: Network Model
* Appendix E: Hierarchical Model
Title ডাটাবেস সিস্টেম কনসেপ্টস
ISBN 9780071289597
Edition 6th Edition
Number of Pages 1152
Country India
Language English

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ডাটাবেস সিস্টেম কনসেপ্টস

Abraham Silberschatz

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