Kenneth E. Clow and Donald E. Baack’s Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications – Sixth Edition, published by Pearson Education, is a comprehensive book that examines advertising and promotions through the lens of integrated marketing communications. It carefully blends advertising, promotions and marketing communications together, giving students the information they need to understand the processes and benefits of effective IMC campaigns. Five parts of the book discuss: The IMC Foundation, IMC Advertising Tools, IMC Media Tools, IMC Promotional Tools, and IMC Ethics, Regulation and Evaluation.
About Pearson Education Pearson Education has been publishing books of all genres like science, technology, law, business, humanities and others, and has been educating more than a hundred million people across the world. Their books have not only been helping students in learning, but are also aiding teachers and professionals. Some of the books published by Pearson are Decision Support and Business Intelligence systems, Electromagnetic Field Theory, Computer Architecture and Organization, Managing Business Process Flows and A Critical Companion to Compulsory English.