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এভোয়েড কমন মিসটেকস ইন ইংলিশ image

এভোয়েড কমন মিসটেকস ইন ইংলিশ (Paperback)

Prof. Md. Jahurul Islam

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এভোয়েড কমন মিসটেকস ইন ইংলিশ

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এভোয়েড কমন মিসটেকস ইন ইংলিশ (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

"Avoid Common Mistakes in English" taken from the preface of the book:
As the communicative approach to English Language teaching puts more emphasis on meaning than on form, many learners believe that their main target is to attain fluency and not to bother about accuracy. But this is a laymen's view. For any educated person, speaking incorrect English fluently is utterly ridiculous. Every good learner of English should get rid of inaccurate forms and attain both fluency and accuracy in their writing and speech. While teaching, teachers are now advised to have a tolerant attitude to their learners's mistakes and errors but correct English is everywhere appreciated. In examinations students writing correct English are always rewarded and those who write incorrect English are always penalised. An understanding of common errors in English and learning their correct forms are, therefore, highly essential for every student who wants to express their ideas concisely and precisely..
This book has been written specially for Bangladeshi learners whose mother tongue is Bangla and who are liable to make various kinds of mistakes in writing and speaking English. It deals with only the common errors which are often encountered by our students and its purpose is to help them write and speak correct and authentic English. The errors have been divided into several categories. Under each category, every error has been first singled out so that students can recognise them. Then correct forms are provided for their use. Many items are followed by a note which explains the relevant grammatical rule. The explanation justifies the correct form and invalidates the incorrect one. As the book is not exhaustive, much care has been taken to make the examples representative of the common mistakes and the notes also in most cases make representative comments. I firmly believe that this book will prove useful not only to our students but also to our teachers. It will give everybody a proper understanding of correct and good English.
Title এভোয়েড কমন মিসটেকস ইন ইংলিশ
ISBN 9847002100144
Edition Reprint, 2018
Number of Pages 320
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এভোয়েড কমন মিসটেকস ইন ইংলিশ

Prof. Md. Jahurul Islam

৳ 105 ৳150.0

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