By the blessings of Almighty, we are happy parents of a daughter. Beginning from when she was born to today, our worries know no bounds regarding how to bring her up. We have since found many new parents feeling the very same type of anxiety. A primary reason behind such anxiety is the unchanged way parenting is taught and learned in our society. There are many books and documents about taking care of the medial and physical aspects of a newborn child, but unfortunately no document is available on how to effectively introduce good manners and morals to a child. This critical gap in support for parents inspired me to share my lessons learned, taken from my own experience of bringing up my daughter. If this text is of even a little benefit to the readers, I will consider my work a success. However, I would like to clarify that this text is not a manual for turning children into subservient, robotic human beings. Rather, it is intended to help raise a younger generation who are full of creativity, enthusiasm who are generally well mannered. I remain indebted to my better half Didi Quamrun Nahar for her endless cooperation and encouragement.