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আইসিই বিজনেস্‌ টাইমস্‌- এপ্রিল ২০১৫

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আইসিই বিজনেস্‌ টাইমস্‌- এপ্রিল ২০১৫

TK. 100
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ICE Business Times (IBT) started its journey on September 2010, and did not have to look back ever since. Establishing its credential as a forerunner among English language-based business magazines of Bangladesh, IBT has set a benchmark of excellence for existing or future competition in the field. As the business-news wing of ICE Media, IBT has not only set its foot as a magazine to be reckoned with, but it has also been producing quality articles every month. The in-house staff of IBT work relentlessly day-in and day-out to bring forth articles and reports that not only cater to businessmen, but also avid readers who are intrigued about the happenings in the business world (both domestic and international). The language in our magazine is also worth mentioning, as not only does it accommodate to the suave businessmen familiar with the business jargons, but also to the general readers who demand language simplification.
Title আইসিই বিজনেস্‌ টাইমস্‌- এপ্রিল ২০১৫
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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আইসিই বিজনেস্‌ টাইমস্‌- এপ্রিল ২০১৫

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