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আইসিই টুডে - এপ্রিল ‘ ২০১৫

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আইসিই টুডে - এপ্রিল ‘ ২০১৫

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ICE Today, a premier English lifestyle magazine is devoted to being the best in terms of information, communication and entertainment (ICE). It has intriguing regular features with the latest in the sectors of fashion, beauty, food, interviews, travel, gadgets, events etc, in each of the issues, along with a time appropriate cover story, as well as various supplements from time to time. The bumper issues, namely the Eid, Anniversary, and the Bridal issues have become much sought after in recent years and have led the magazine to be tagged as the best lifestyle magazine in the country. Some of our other special issues include the Men's issue and the Travel issue. Creating waves in the market since 2005, ICE Today has become a household handbook amongst the elite and is your best guide for a shopping spree. So, as you start browsing our pages, be prepared to be entertained!
Title আইসিই টুডে - এপ্রিল ‘ ২০১৫
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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