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Ali Azgor Talukdar books


আলী আজগর তালুকদার

Ali Azgor Talukder is a PhD candidate in TESL at University Malaya, Malaysia. He worked as Associate Professor of English in some private universities of Bangladesh. He has published articles on Shakespeare, Al Mahmud, reading skills, semantics, literary theory, and poetry. His first book Al Mahmud in English is a translation of Al Mahmud's poetry into English. He also translated a number of seminal essays by Ferdinand de Saussure, Jacques Derrida, Gayotri Chakrwarty Spivak, and Bill Ashcroft into Bangla. He edited a monthly journal named the Bengal. His research interest includes critical language and literature pedagogy, critical literacy, equity in education, critical discourse analysis, translation studies, cultural studies, post-colonial literature and theory, and Islam.

আলী আজগর তালুকদার এর বই সমূহ

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