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অ্যা গ্লোসারি অব লিটারেরি টার্মস্‌ image

অ্যা গ্লোসারি অব লিটারেরি টার্মস্‌ (Paperback)

M. H. Abrams

Total: TK. 830

অ্যা গ্লোসারি অব লিটারেরি টার্মস্‌

11th Edition , 2015


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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অ্যা গ্লোসারি অব লিটারেরি টার্মস্‌ (Paperback)

2 Ratings  |  1 Review

TK. 830

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Product Specification & Summary

First published fifty years ago, A Glossary of Literary Terms remains an essential text for all serious students of literature. Now fully updated to reflect the latest scholarship on recent and rapidly evolving critical theories, the tenth edition contains a complete glossary of essential literary terms presented as a series of engaging essays that explore the terms, place them in context, and suggest related entries and additional reading. This indispensable, authoritative, and highly affordable reference covers terms useful in discussing literature and literary history, theory, and criticism. Perfect as a core text for introductory literary theory or as a supplement to any literature course, this classic work is an invaluable reference that students can continue to use throughout their academic and professional careers.

Key Features
* Many new entries reflect cutting-edge thought on recent and rapidly evolving critical theories, making it easy for instructors to teach these emerging ideas and for students to grasp and apply them. New terms include hyptermedia, cyberfiction fiction, romance novel, detective fiction, cognitive literary study, stylometry, collective unconscious, image clusters, and image politics, among others. The lists of suggested readings appended to the entries have been expanded and updated to keep pace with current scholarship and provide more current and wide-ranging opportunities for further exploration.
* The alphabetical organization makes this comprehensive text remarkably easy to use as a convenient reference.
* To provide students with a broad understanding, each literary term is defined in a short, reader-friendly essay.
* Within each entry, boldfaced type indicates terms for which the entry provides the principal discussion, while italics identify terms discussed more fully elsewhere in the text, making it easy to place the reading in context and locate additional useful information.
Title অ্যা গ্লোসারি অব লিটারেরি টার্মস্‌
ISBN 9788131526354
Edition 11th Edition , 2015
Number of Pages 444
Country India
Language English

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অ্যা গ্লোসারি অব লিটারেরি টার্মস্‌

M. H. Abrams

৳ 830 ৳830.0

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