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সারেন্ডার এ্যাট ঢাকা : বার্থ অব এ ন্যাশন image

সারেন্ডার এ্যাট ঢাকা : বার্থ অব এ ন্যাশন (Hardcover)

Le General J F R Jekob

TK. 550 Total: TK. 418
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সারেন্ডার এ্যাট ঢাকা : বার্থ অব এ ন্যাশন

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সারেন্ডার এ্যাট ঢাকা : বার্থ অব এ ন্যাশন (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

ROAD TO BANGLADESH SERIES is designed to present published accounts of the background to the emergence of Bangladesh. The Series showcases such a collection that, when put together, achieves a well-rounded narrative of the events of 1971. Books in the series should be an invaluable collection for those interested in South Asian affairs, particularly students and scholars of politics, history, development and social transformation. The campaign for the liberation of Bangladesh was short and swift, spread over some thirteen campaign days, conducted in riverine terrain highly suitable for defence. The author describes events leading to the creation of Bangladesh, beginning with the Pakistan Army’s crackdown in East Pakistan on 26 March 1971. To the outbreak of full-scale war following the Pakistani bombing of Indian airfields in the west on the evening of 3 December 1971 and the subseuent military operations leading to the surrender of Pakistan Eastern Command. Outlining the evolution of the strategy for the campaign, he details the selection of thrust lines using subsidiary dirt tracks that bypassed centres of resistance and opened up axes of maintenance later. The objectives selected were communication centres in relation to the geopolitical heart-Dacca. A concise account of the execution of the campaign is given. He highlights the role of the Mukti Bahini and the great contribution they made towards the liberation of their country. He describes the pressures exerted at the Security Council and the peo-Pakistani stance of China and the United States as well as giving a first-hand account of the negotiations and the signing of the Instrument of surrender. The author draws lessons from the political and military aspects of the campaign and highlights the lack of clear directives both political and military and the adhoc higher command set-up for the war. The lessons of 1971 have yet to be learnt. This book will be of interest to general public, armed forces, staff and war colleges and all those concerned with the business of war.ContentsEarly Years / Prelude to War / Political Developments / Higher Command and Organization for War / Evolution Plans / Strategy / Logistics / Pakistani Order of Battle / Preparatory Moves and Training / Mukti Bahini / American and Chinese Moves / War / Progress of Operations / Surrender / Aftermath of War / Dramatis Personae / Lessons / Reflections / Envoi
Title সারেন্ডার এ্যাট ঢাকা : বার্থ অব এ ন্যাশন
ISBN 9840513958
Edition 3rd Print, 2004
Number of Pages 269
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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সারেন্ডার এ্যাট ঢাকা : বার্থ অব এ ন্যাশন

Le General J F R Jekob

৳ 418 ৳550.0

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