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Mathematical Methods for Physicists

7th Edition, 2012


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Mathematical Methods for Physicists (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Mathematical Methods for Physicists 7ED by George Arfken, Hans Weber and Harris gives young engineers and physicists a deep understanding of the mathematical concepts which are the cornerstone of modern physics and are considered essential for researchers and students interested in advance theoretical physics. In the first chapter, the basic concepts which will be used again and again in the subsequent chapters have been explained.

The book has twenty three chapters in total covering many important concepts like partial differential equation, more special functions, ordinary differential equation, tensors and differential forms, probability and statistics, etc.

One of the main features of the book is that there are ample examples illustrating each concept in the book. The writer's emphasis has been on improving the problem solving capability of the students. Complex concepts have been explained with the help of detailed and labelled diagrams. The book also contains proof of some important theorems which are used in physics. Some new topics have also been added to the seventh edition of the book. for example, a new chapter on the green's function, thorough explanation on contour integration, explanation of orthogonal polynomials and detailed discussion on partial differential equations are included. Mathematical Methods for Physicists 7ED was published in 2012 by Elsevier and is available in paperback.
Title Mathematical Methods for Physicists
ISBN 9789381269558
Edition 7th Edition, 2012
Number of Pages 1207
Country India
Language English

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Mathematical Methods for Physicists

George Arfken

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