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Adam Smith in His Time and Ours (Paperback)

Jerry Z. Muller

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Adam Smith in His Time and Ours

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Adam Smith in His Time and Ours (Paperback)

Designing the Decent Society

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Product Specification & Summary

Counter to the popular impression that Adam Smith was a champion of selfishness and greed, Jerry Z. Muller shows that the Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations maintained that markets served to pro- mote the well-being of the populace and that government must intervene to counteract the negative effects of the pursuit of self-interest. Smith's analysis went beyond economics to embrace a larger "civilizing project" designed to create a more decent society.
Title Adam Smith in His Time and Ours
ISBN 9780691001616
Edition Reprint, 1995
Number of Pages 272
Country India
Language English

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Adam Smith in His Time and Ours

Jerry Z. Muller

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