Do you want to speak English fluently, communicate smartly, and win your coveted success in life? Good communication is a key to strengthening your personal, social and professional excellence. The book "Speak Better Communicate Smarter" will help you sharpen the essential skills of speaking convincingly and converse winningly in correct, concise and clear way. The book will guide you to speak English fluently and confidently with the best of easy and natural grace in correct and elegant pronunciation. Good speakers are lively, enthusiastic, and humorous with full of zeal and vitality. They are master craftsmen of language, who can architect wonderful phrases in expressing ideas and thoughts. Hundreds of millions of people have two eyes and a nose and a mouth, but none of them looks precisely like you, and none of them has exactly your traits and methods and cast of mind, so also you are unique as a speaker. Speaking is your most precious possession, cling to it, cherish it, and develop it. Let the listeners take all the naturalness, spontaneity, life and juice out of your speaking.