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পুলিশ এ্যান্ড কমিউনিটি উইথ দ্য কনসেপ্ট অফ কমিউনিটি পলিসিং image

পুলিশ এ্যান্ড কমিউনিটি উইথ দ্য কনসেপ্ট অফ কমিউনিটি পলিসিং (Hardcover)

A K M Shahidul Haque

TK. 350 Total: TK. 280
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পুলিশ এ্যান্ড কমিউনিটি উইথ দ্য কনসেপ্ট অফ কমিউনিটি পলিসিং

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পুলিশ এ্যান্ড কমিউনিটি উইথ দ্য কনসেপ্ট অফ কমিউনিটি পলিসিং (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

The modern society turned to be more complex with social and crime related multidimensional difficulties. Needless to say, it is not possible for police alone to eradicate the causes of crime completely. Basically, community policing is a solution and prevention based policing system. Through this system, police and the community jointly adopt steps to address specially social crimes focusing on the causes of crime. The role of police in the society, community policing and its evolution as well as the expected relation between police and the community- these are the basic ideas of this book. This book is enriched with the long decorated professional experiences and subject wise acquired knowledge of the author. The book has attained excellence in sublime presentation of the subject matter and artistic articulation of words. It is highly expected that this book will also be accepted with great love and adoration by the readers beyond police department.
Title পুলিশ এ্যান্ড কমিউনিটি উইথ দ্য কনসেপ্ট অফ কমিউনিটি পলিসিং
ISBN 97898492066019
Edition 1st Published, 2016
Number of Pages 182
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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পুলিশ এ্যান্ড কমিউনিটি উইথ দ্য কনসেপ্ট অফ কমিউনিটি পলিসিং

A K M Shahidul Haque

৳ 280 ৳350.0

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