Professional Records and Information Management is a careful revision of the successful edition titled Profes- sional Records Management. The term information was added to the title to acknowledge the dramatic growth of information technology, especially as it relates to the use of computers, databases, and networks for managing information. Records and information management (RIM) is increasingly being rec- ognized as a profession in and of itself. The recent emergence of the cor- porate title chief information officer, or CIO, testifies to the growing status of the field. Overseeing the billions of records produced each day requires professional experience and commitment. The professional records man- ager or information manager may or may not have the title of records man- ager or information manager. Still, all who work with records must be adept in and knowledgeable about the profession of records and information man- agement, the management of nonelectronic records and information, and electronic information management. This text is organized into three units; each addresses one of those crucial ingredients of records and information management. Unit 1, The Profession of Records and Information Management, intro- duces basic terminology and discusses the scope of records and information management, employment opportunities, and legal and ethical matters as- sociated with records and information management. Unit 2, Managing Non- electronic Records, considers the life cycle of hard copy records and the indexing protocols required to organize records. Unit 3, Electronic Informa- tion Management, has been completely reworked in this edition. This unit is a comprehensive introduction to current developments in electronic in- formation management. Topics include electronic computer filing systems, database systems, image technology, and automated systems used to man- age paper records. A completely new chapter in Unit 3 is Chapter 10, Network-Based Records Management. This new chapter deals with e-mail, the Internet, and related topics so vital to the management of information today. Each of the three units begins with a profile of a real-life RIM profes- sional and concludes with realistic application activities that provide prac- tice in managing records of all types.
Professional Records And Information Management Student Edition with CD-ROM