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প্যারেন্টস রাইটস ইন বাংলাদেশ image

প্যারেন্টস রাইটস ইন বাংলাদেশ (Hardcover)

Dr. Nahid Ferdousi

TK. 400 Total: TK. 300
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প্যারেন্টস রাইটস ইন বাংলাদেশ

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প্যারেন্টস রাইটস ইন বাংলাদেশ (Hardcover)

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Exploring 510.072 million square kilometers 3814 distinct cultures across the world, one simple similarity is found in both human and animal kingdom i.e. parents are the most adjacent and dearest one to their children. Parents are the safe homes, they play the most significant role in shaping children’s life with proper guidance, care and love. Parents’ arms are the warmest, heartening and soothing place available in earth for every child from new born to old. Therefore, logically and naturally it’s a holy duty of adult child to ensure maximum love, care and safety for parents. Unfortunately, reality is much harsher, after turning adult children often tend to overlook love, care and unconditional efforts of their parents.
Like other countries of Asian region, many parents in Bangladesh are forced to live separately far away from their children. Absence of comprehensive legitimate system and presence of some culpability in existing laws also inculcate adults to ignore parents’ rights. Bangladesh Parents Maintenance Act 2013 is considered as a progressive law for the protection of those deprived parents who are often overlooked by own children and family members. This law makes a bridge between ethical responsibility and legal obligation of children towards their parents.
This book adequately addresses the concepts of parents care and maintenance, the responsibility, obligations of an adult child, vulnerabilities of elder parents, changes in family structure and inadequacy of the society, present scenario of elder parents in Bangladesh and filial obligations to elderly parents in Asian countries. The book covers wide spectrum legal issues related to parental care.
Title প্যারেন্টস রাইটস ইন বাংলাদেশ
ISBN 9789848045718
Edition 1st Published, 2022
Number of Pages 142
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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প্যারেন্টস রাইটস ইন বাংলাদেশ

Dr. Nahid Ferdousi

৳ 300 ৳400.0

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