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ইসলামিক ল অফ ইনহেরিটেন্স image

ইসলামিক ল অফ ইনহেরিটেন্স (Hardcover)

Muhammad Ekramul Haque

Total: TK. 330

ইসলামিক ল অফ ইনহেরিটেন্স

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ইসলামিক ল অফ ইনহেরিটেন্স (Hardcover)

TK. 330
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Product Specification & Summary

Law of inheritance in Islamic law is known as 'ilm ul-faraid'. The Arabic term 'ilm ul-faraid' literally means 'knowledge or study of injunctions (concerning inheritance). This term is used to mean law of inheritance', an important branch of knowledge. It provides an elaborate methodology composed of a set of rules to calculate and distribute the property of a deceased person among the heirs so that everyone receives a just share in the property. The phrase 'ilm ul-faraid' refers to the knowledge of the entire system of Islamic law of inheritance, as Coulson explained: 'Fard is the root Arabic term for a duty imposed by divine command, but the word is also used both in the singular and in one of its plural forms, faraid, specifically to denote the shares of inheritance allotted to various relatives by the Qur'an; so that the phrase ilm ul-faraid, or science of the faraid, which is commonly used to describe the system of inheritance as a whole, epitomises the notion of religious obligation'.1
Title ইসলামিক ল অফ ইনহেরিটেন্স
Edition 2nd Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 302
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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ইসলামিক ল অফ ইনহেরিটেন্স

Muhammad Ekramul Haque

৳ 330 ৳330.0

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