প্রিয় ,
সেদিন আপনার কার্টে কিছু বই রেখে কোথায় যেন চলে গিয়েছিলেন।
মিলিয়ে দেখুন তো বইগুলো ঠিক আছে কিনা?
Brand: Vesoje Agro
Category: Functional Food
১ লক্ষ পণ্যে ৭৮% পর্যন্ত ছাড় প্রি-উইন্টার ডিল অফারে, এছাড়া আছে BOGO, ফ্রি শিপিং সহ নানান অফার নির্দিষ্ট পণ্যে
Kalmegh is a herb. Its other common name is Alui. The scientific name of this plant is Andrographis paniculata of the Acanthaceae family belonging to the Lamiales class. Better known as green chiretta in English.
Medicinal Uses of Kalomegh: Kalomegh dal is dried and washed, soaked overnight. It is used as medicine. This eternal water is very beneficial. For eyes also beneficial in fever. Besides, there are many other qualities of Chirta. Today I will see those qualities of eternity.
1. Prevents Bacterial Viruses: Black cloud prevents the body from getting infected with bacterial viruses. We know that eating bitter foods makes the body less susceptible to bacterial viruses. As a result, the body becomes less sick. And the taste of eternity is very bitter. So eternal water saves the body from various diseases.
2. Controls diabetes: Black cloud is very beneficial for diabetics. Chirta is very beneficial for diabetics. Because Chirta lowers blood sugar levels. Controls blood sugar levels. In addition, the water of the eternal blood reduces the amount of cholesterol.
3. Cures old fevers: Black cloud works during fevers. Chirata is also beneficial in fever. It is always beneficial to remove fever and lack of energy in the body due to fever.
4. Retains youth: Kalomegh helps to retain youth. You can drink eternal water daily to retain your youth. Because eternity cleanses the blood. Increases blood circulation. Which is a condition of retaining youth.
5. Eliminates Allergies: Black cloud eliminates allergy problems. Many people have severe allergy problems. Allergies cause swelling of the body, swelling of the eyes and more problems. Chirta is beneficial in this regard. Drink water every morning and you will get benefits. Chirta water also controls other skin problems.
6. Keeps liver healthy: Black cloud water keeps the liver clean. Many people suffer from liver problems these days and it is beneficial to control this problem. Chirtar water keeps the liver clean. It also helps in controlling various liver problems like fatty liver and other problems.
7. Removes harmful toxins from the body: Black cloud keeps the body clean from within. Chirta also acts as a cleanser. Eternal/dark cloud water removes harmful toxins from the body. Keeps the body clean from within. Keeps fresh. Which is very important to keep the body healthy.
8. Skin Care: Kalomegh helps in skin care. Chirita is also very beneficial for skin. Excellent for healing various skin problems like skin ulcers, other wounds. It is also useful in curing any other skin infection.
Specification: | |
Title: | VesojE Agro Kalomeg Powder ( কালোমেঘ গুড়া) 100 g |
Brand: | Vesoje Agro |
Item Form | Powder |
Brand Origin | Bangladesh |
Net Weight | 100 gm |
Food Type | Organic |
Number of Pieces | 1 Box |
VesojE Agro সর্বদা সকলের সু-স্বাস্থ্যের কথা চিন্তা করে নিজস্ব তত্ত্বাবধানে কীটনাশক মুক্ত সকল প্রকার ভেষজ পণ্য জমিতে উৎপাদন, প্রক্রিয়াকরণ এবং বিপণন করছে।
প্রাচীনকালের ন্যায় বর্তমানেও মানুষ তাদের স্বাস্থ্য সুরক্ষা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য প্রাকৃতিক গাছ-গাছড়ার উপর নির্ভরশীল হতে শুরু করেছে। গ্রাহক পর্যায়ে শতভাগ নিরাপদ ও প্রাকৃতিক ভেষজ গাছ-গাছড়া পৌঁছে দেওয়ার লক্ষ্যেই VesojE Agro-এর পথচলা।
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