প্রিয় ,
সেদিন আপনার কার্টে কিছু বই রেখে কোথায় যেন চলে গিয়েছিলেন।
মিলিয়ে দেখুন তো বইগুলো ঠিক আছে কিনা?
Brand: Vesoje Agro
Category: Functional Food
১ লক্ষ পণ্যে ৭৮% পর্যন্ত ছাড় প্রি-উইন্টার ডিল অফারে, এছাড়া আছে BOGO, ফ্রি শিপিং সহ নানান অফার নির্দিষ্ট পণ্যে
Nowadays everyone from children to old people have more or less gastric problems. To get rid of gastric problems many of us are taking gastric medicines like antacids which are harmful to our body. Any medicine taken naturally for gastric problems will be completely side effect free and safe.
For that purpose, we bring to you special gastro pack for gastric solution naturally made with around 30 types of herbal ingredients including Amlaki Hartaki Bahedra Methi Sona Pata etc.
All the benefits you will get by consuming our special Gasto Pack.
1. Relief from acidity: If you suffer from gas, heartburn, heartburn all the time then take Gastri Pack. It can relieve multiple problems. If the problem of acidity suddenly increases then take gastro pack.
2. Relieves indigestion: due to eating oily and fried food with irregularities in eating and drinking, the stomach becomes bloated or swollen due to accumulation of excessive gas. Carbohyproduct diet, when consumed in excess and digestive problems, causes gas in the stomach, which causes bloating.
3. To maintain cholesterol: If the cholesterol level increases, the risk of heart disease and heart attack increases. Also, when cholesterol increases, it starts accumulating in the veins. Gastro pack products only control cholesterol.
4. Reduces weight: The ingredients of gastro pack help in weight control. It helps regulate metabolism, improve digestion and remove excess fat from the body. Plus its mild laxative effect can help cleanse the digestive system, which aids in your weight loss efforts.
5. Constipation: In case of constipation, take one to two teaspoons of Gastro Pack with 1 glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach or at night before going to bed. It contains all natural ingredients which are beneficial in our stomach pain, constipation.
6. Aids in digestion: Its ingredients are a delicacy with the property of increasing the body's metabolism. Due to the high fiber, satiety and hunger pangs are felt less. It is not easily understood by any human being. An increased metabolic rate will automatically increase the body's energy requirements, resulting in fewer calories being converted to fat.
7.Helps keep the stomach clean: Improves absorption of food in the intestines due to its high content of dietary fiber. It is much more beneficial than medicine in cleansing the stomach. Hemorrhoids are usually caused by constipation. Hemorrhoids can sometimes turn into deadly diseases like cancer. It is useful to solve these problems from the beginning.
8. Diabetes control: Its ingredients are effective in controlling blood sugar. It basically slows down the metabolism of the body. As a result, the process of converting carbohydrates into glucose becomes easier to control. Therefore, people with type 2 diabetes can eat it regularly. Lowers blood sugar levels, as it speeds up the digestion process.
9. To lose body weight: If you want to lose excess body weight or are on a weight maintenance diet, it will help you a lot.
If it is mixed with nuts and dry fruits and eaten in handfuls, then one can stay free from hunger for a long time. For this it is possible to control body weight very easily.
Specification: | |
Title: | VesojE Agro Gastro Pack Powder ( গ্যাস্ট্রো প্যাক গুড়া ) 125 g |
Brand: | Vesoje Agro |
Item Form | Powder |
Brand Origin | Bangladesh |
Net Weight | 125 gm |
Food Type | Organic |
Number of Pieces | 1 Pack |
VesojE Agro সর্বদা সকলের সু-স্বাস্থ্যের কথা চিন্তা করে নিজস্ব তত্ত্বাবধানে কীটনাশক মুক্ত সকল প্রকার ভেষজ পণ্য জমিতে উৎপাদন, প্রক্রিয়াকরণ এবং বিপণন করছে।
প্রাচীনকালের ন্যায় বর্তমানেও মানুষ তাদের স্বাস্থ্য সুরক্ষা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য প্রাকৃতিক গাছ-গাছড়ার উপর নির্ভরশীল হতে শুরু করেছে। গ্রাহক পর্যায়ে শতভাগ নিরাপদ ও প্রাকৃতিক ভেষজ গাছ-গাছড়া পৌঁছে দেওয়ার লক্ষ্যেই VesojE Agro-এর পথচলা।
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