Al Haramain Attar Black Oudh 15ml
Al Haramain Attar Black Oudh 15ml is a captivating fragrance that lingers long after leaving the room. It is more than just a perfume; it is an experience for the senses. The fragrance features a layered profile, with a top note of musk, followed by a middle note of cedarwood and herbal hints. The base note is a rich tapestry woven with amber, patchouli, and vanilla, adding warmth and earthiness. The vanilla is a surprise guest, adding a touch of unexpected warmth. This alluring oil could be your next signature scent.
A Symphony of Scents
The beauty of Al Haramain Attar Black Oudh lies in its layered fragrance profile. The top note of musk hits you first, and a gentle introduction prepares you for the deeper notes. As the fragrance settles, the middle note unfolds, revealing a delightful blend of cedarwood and herbal hints. These notes add a touch of complexity and intrigue, like a secret whisper carried on the breeze. Finally, the base note is a rich tapestry woven with amber, patchouli, and vanilla. The amber adds a warm, resinous depth, while the patchouli infuses a touch of earthy elegance. The vanilla is a surprise guest, a subtle sweetness that peeks through, adding a touch of unexpected warmth.
A Fragrance Built to Last
This is not your average perfume that fades after an hour. Al Haramain Attar Black Oudh is an attar, a concentrated oil perfume known for its exceptional longevity. A single drop can last for hours, leaving a captivating trail wherever you go.
Where to Find Your Oudh Oasis
Al Haramain Attar Black Oudh 15ml is available in various shops across Bangladesh. But why settle for anything less than the best price? Click "Add to Cart" on our online store, Rokomari, to snag it today. Not only do we offer competitive prices, but the convenience of shopping from home can't be beaten.
Why Choose Rokomari?
At Rokomari, we are passionate about bringing you the finest fragrances worldwide. We offer a wide selection of authentic attars and perfumes, ensuring you find the perfect scent to match your personality. Plus, with our hassle-free online shopping experience, you can have your new favorite fragrance delivered straight to your doorstep.
So, are you ready to experience the magic of Al Haramain Attar Black Oudh? Click "Add to Cart" and embark on a captivating olfactory journey. You won't regret it.