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Financial Management: Text, problems and Cases

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Financial Management: Text, problems and Cases (Paperback)

TK. 2,260

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Product Specification & Summary

Financial Management by Khan and Jain is one book in the Indian market which deals with topics following step-by-step learning approach backed by large number of solved problems. Keeping in line with the previous editions, this 8th edition brings out the explanation of theories, concepts and techniques explicitly, with more excel integration in the text.This book will be useful to both finance managers and management students.Salient Features:Updated text aligned with new SEBI guidelines and change in CSR policiesRich pedagogyExcel integration-based template made available online.Web supplementsFor instructors: Lecture slidesFor Students: Additional cases, solved problems, chapter end solution to numerical review questions.
Title Financial Management: Text, problems and Cases
ISBN 9789353162184
Edition 8th edition, 2018
Number of Pages 1446
Country India
Language English

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Financial Management: Text, problems and Cases

M. Y. Khan

৳ 2,260 ৳2260.0

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