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রিসার্ভিওর ফিশারিস অব ইন্ডিয়া

1st, 1997


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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রিসার্ভিওর ফিশারিস অব ইন্ডিয়া (Hardcover)

TK. 2,320

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

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Product Specification & Summary

This publication reviews the existing literature on limnology and fisheries of indian reservoirs, covering more than 100 reservoirs in various parts of the country. The fisheries resources and their utilization are discussed separately for each state, with additional information on water quality, biotic communities, modes of exploitation, craft and gear and fisheries management practices, including the selection of species for stocking, rate and the introduction of exotic species. Indian reservoirs have been stocked with indo-Gangetic carp for many decades, and the impact of this stocking on fish production and the indigenous faunistic diversity has been assessed. An effort has been made to gauge the such as meteorlogical, morphometric and hydroedaphic features on the production dynamics of reservoirs in different geoclimatic regions. An attempt has also been made to resolve anomalies of classification and nomenclature to the extent possible. Factors responsible for the slow rate of fisheries development have been identified.

Table of Contents
* Chapter 1: Reservoir Fisheries Resources of India; Tanks and Small Reservoirs, Classification of Reservoirs, Determinants of Reservoir Productivity, Reservoir Ecosystem, Reservoir Fisheries,
* Chapter 2: Tamil Nadu; Distribution of Reservoirs, Scientific Investigation in Reservoirs, Stanley, Bhavanisagar, Amaravathy, Sathanur, Aliyar, Status of Reservoir Fisheries in Tamil Nadu,
* Chapter 3: Kerala; Distribution of Reservoirs, Idukki, Parappar, Neyyar, Kuttiadi, Status of Reservoir Fisheries in Kerala,
* Chapter 4: Karnataka; Reservoir Fisheries Resources of Karnataka, Tungabhadra, Markonahalli, Hemavathy, Vanivilas Sagar, Supa, Kabini, Krishnarajasagar, Other Reservoirs, Status of Reservoir Fisheries in Karnataka, Tanks of Karnataka,
* Chapter 5: Andhra Pradesh; Reservoir Fisheries Resources, Nagarjunasagar, Hussainsagar, Yerrakalava, Reservoir Fisheries in Andhra Pradesh,
* Chapter 6: Maharashtra; Reservoirs of Maharashtra, Dhom, Bhatghar, Other Reservoirs,
* Chapter 7: Madhya Pradesh; Reservoir Fisheries Resources of Madhya Pradesh, Gandhisagar, Ravishankarsagar, Govindgarh, Mansarovar, Kulgarhi, Other Reservoirs, Status of Reservoirs in Madhya Pradesh, Impoundments in the Narmada Basin Profiles of Some Reservoirs,
* Chapter 8: Orissa; Reservoir Fisheries Resources of Orissa, Hirakud, Rangali, Status of Reservoir Fisheries in Orissa,
* Chapter 9: Gujarat; Reservoirs of Gujarat, Ukai, Sayajisarovar,
* Chapter 10: Rajasthan; Distribution of Reservoirs in Rajasthan, Ramgarh, Chhaparwara, Jaisamand, Other Reservoirs,
* Chapter 11: Himachal Pradesh; Reservoirs of Himachal Pradesh, Gobindsagar, Pong, Pandoh, Reservoir Fisheries in Himachal Pradesh,
* Chapter 12: Uttar Pradesh; Reservoirs of Uttar Pradesh, Rihand, Gulariya, Bachhra, Baigul, Baghla, Keetham, Fish Production Trends in the Reservoirs of Uttar Pradesh,
* Chapter 13: Bihar; Reservoir Fisheries Resources of Bihar, Getalsud, Konar, Tilaiya, Maithon, Panchet, Badua, Nalkari, Status of Reservoir Fisheries in Bihar,
* Chapter 14: The Northeast; Reservoir Fisheries Resources of the Northeast, Gumti, Kyrdemkulai, Nongmahir, Other Reservoirs, Status of Reservoir Fisheries in the Region.
Title রিসার্ভিওর ফিশারিস অব ইন্ডিয়া
ISBN 9788170351986
Edition 1st, 1997
Number of Pages 423
Country India
Language English

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রিসার্ভিওর ফিশারিস অব ইন্ডিয়া

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