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Manual of Practical Anatomy: Thorax and Abdomen (Volume - 2)

2nd Edition, 2013


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Manual of Practical Anatomy: Thorax and Abdomen (Volume - 2) (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

It was the need of time. With the reduction of1st Professional MBBS curriculum in basic sciences to one year students could hardly afford Dissection Manual and Gross Anatomy as separate textbooks. The idea behind the present contribution was to combine the two and present the text and dissection procedures in the same volume in a lucid manner. The unique feature of this book is its diagrams. Which have been independently drawn by author himself to minimize the factual inaccuracies. Coloured line diagrams have been included to provide support to the textual description. Relevant applied anatomy at the end of each chapter has further strengthened the book.
Title Manual of Practical Anatomy: Thorax and Abdomen (Volume - 2)
ISBN 9788123922720
Edition 2nd Edition, 2013
Number of Pages 300
Country India
Language English

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Manual of Practical Anatomy: Thorax and Abdomen (Volume - 2)

Nafis Ahmad Faruqi

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