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Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics (Hardcover)

Nader Rifai

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Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics

1st Published, 2018


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Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

Summary Of The Book
Tietz Textbook Of Clinical Chemistry And Molecular Diagnostics discusses the selection, performance, and evaluation of the results of laboratory tests, both the established ones and the latest ones. It is an updated encyclopedia that contains detailed information on everything one might want to know about laboratory tests in molecular diagnostics and clinical chemistry.

The book gives an analytical framework for assessing the usefulness of laboratory tests in medical science. It also provides a new approach towards the establishment of ranges for reference and the variables affecting the tests and the results. The effect of modern analytical tools on the management of labs and costs, and the application of tools of statistics are also discussed.

This edition i.e. the sixth edition has an additional chapter on hemostasis and contains recent developments in the field of molecular diagnostics. It is a student-friendly version that is shorter than its predecessors.

The text uses lab perspective to teach students about the fundamentals of chemistry and their applications in the real world. It includes chemical structures that are accurate and help explain the important chemical features of the relevant molecules.

Tietz Textbook Of Clinical Chemistry And Molecular Diagnostics has over 500 examples and easily interpretable tables to help students remember the main concepts easily. It contains many useful attributes like key concepts and learning objectives, which are aimed at making studying simpler for them. There are questions at the end of each chapter so that students can get an easy overview of the chapter.

About The Authors
Carl A. Burtis is a Ph.D and a member of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC). He was the President of the Association in 1989. Burtis is one of the editor of the Tietz books. He received the Professor Alvin Dubin Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Profession and the Academy (1992) and the AACC Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry (1991).

Edward R. Ashwood is an M.D. and a professor of pathology at the University Of Utah. He is the CEO and president of the ARUP Laboratories situated in Salt Lake City. Ashwood won the first prize in research at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of AACC in 1987. He has been involved with AACC since 1981 and has also received an award for Outstanding teaching of Clinical Pathology. Ashwood has written over 150 papers in Science and has assisted Dr. Burtis in the editing of the Tietz books.

David E. Bruns is an M.D. and a professor of pathology at the University Of Virginia. He went to Medical school at St. Louis University. Bruns has a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering. He also received an A.B. from the University Of Washington, where he is now a Director in the Department of Clinical Chemistry. Bruns has worked with the Sigma Chemical Company and has undergone fellowship training at the Washington University. He began teaching at the University of Virginia in 1977.
Title Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
ISBN 9788131248973
Edition 1st Published, 2018
Number of Pages 1852
Country India
Language English

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Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics

Nader Rifai

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