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দ্য টাচস্টোন ইফেক্ট (দ্য ইম্প্যাক্ট অফ প্রি-গ্র্যান্ট ওপজিশন অন পেটেন্টস)

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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দ্য টাচস্টোন ইফেক্ট (দ্য ইম্প্যাক্ট অফ প্রি-গ্র্যান্ট ওপজিশন অন পেটেন্টস) (Paperback)

TK. 680

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Product Specification & Summary

What is a Black Swan?
In the field of innovation, a Black Swan refers to a rare, high impact and unpredictable innovation that can bring unprecedented success to any business. Most of the path-breaking, radical technologies that we see around us are the Black Swans of innovation. And every knowledge-based company is looking out for Black Swans and means of protecting them. The law of patents offers the most-comprehensive means of protecting the Black Swan. While it is one thing to offer patent protection for the genuine Black Swans—the real, radical innovations that are novel and non-obvious, it is entirely another thing when old and obvious innovations are patented as new—an ordinary swan painted black! 'Painting the swan black' metaphorically refers to passing off a white swan as black (patenting inventions that are obvious) or doing a paint job to refurbish an old black swan to look new (making superficial changes to an earlier invention to qualify for a fresh grant). Both can have adverse effect on business and the development of technology. The Touchstone Effect: The Impact of Pre-grant Opposition on Patents explores the strategic use of pre-grant opposition as a touchstone to test the genuineness of an invention. In a comprehensible fashion, it guides you to develop an in-house, efficient and cost-effective strategy for challenging patents before their grant. It also gets to the other side to tell you what you should do if your patent application is opposed—that is, if you really have a Black Swan to protect.

About the Author
Feroz Ali Khader is the best-selling author of The Law of Patents – With a Special Focus on Pharmaceuticals in India, a unique legal work which offers free online updates innovatively through a blog ( Since his last academic outing at Trinity College, University of Cambridge, he has settled down in Chennai and practices in the Madras High Court. When he is not involved as an advocate in contentious proceedings, he is engaged in lecturing, teaching and conducting workshops on patent law and practice.

Table of Contents
Table of Cases
Chapter 1
The Black Swan of Innovations
Chapter 2
Why Some Swans are Painted Black
Chapter 3
The Art of Re-inventing Inventions
Chapter 4
The Touchstone Effect of pre-grant Opposition
Chapter 5
The Importance o Pre-grant Oppositions
Chapter 6
Opposition Attraction
Chapter 7
The Grounds of Opposition
Chapter 8
The Practice of pre-grant Opposition
Title দ্য টাচস্টোন ইফেক্ট (দ্য ইম্প্যাক্ট অফ প্রি-গ্র্যান্ট ওপজিশন অন পেটেন্টস)
ISBN 9788180385544
Edition 2009
Number of Pages 166
Country Abroad
Language English

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দ্য টাচস্টোন ইফেক্ট (দ্য ইম্প্যাক্ট অফ প্রি-গ্র্যান্ট ওপজিশন অন পেটেন্টস)

Feroz Ali Khader

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