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দ্য আল্টিমেট গাইড টু দ্য এলএলবি এক্সামিনেশান ২০১৪

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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দ্য আল্টিমেট গাইড টু দ্য এলএলবি এক্সামিনেশান ২০১৪ (Paperback)

TK. 1,254

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Product Specification & Summary

The Ultimate Guide to the LLB Entrance Examination 2014 is a comprehensive book for candidates appearing for various law entrance examinations. The book comprises of several objective questions on legal aptitude, English, logical reasoning, mathematics, current affairs, and general knowledge. In addition, the book consists of several multiple choice questions and model papers for thorough revision and final practice. This book is essential for students appearing for Common Law Admission Test and other such competitive examinations.

About LexisNexis
LexisNexis is a leading global provider of books for professionals in the legal, corporate, law enforcement, and academic markets. They have authored and published books including The Ultimate Guide to the Judicial Services Examination 2014 - For All States, Short Notes and Multiple Choice Questions: The Constitution of India, Courtroom Gunius and CLAT Study Kit.

Table of Contents
Part - I
Legal Aptitude (About 3,000 Objective Questions and Answers)
1. Legal Awareness
Part A—Answers
Part B—Answers
Part C—Answers

2. Constitution of India
3. Questions based on Assertion–Reasons
4. Legal Reasoning
5. Legal Terms
6. Legal Maxims
Part - II
English (Study Material with Objective Questions and Answers)
1. Prepositions
2. The Articles
3. Common Errors in English
4. Phrases
5. English (Vocabulary and Spelling Check)
6. One Word-substitution
7. Synonyms
Preface to the Sixth Edition
Preface to the Fifth Edition
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
Foreword to the Second Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Introduction to the Common Law Admission Test
Detailed Contents
8. Antonyms
9. Comprehension

Part - III
Logical Reasoning (Study Material with Objective Questions and Answers)
1. Examination Questions
2. Analogy
3. Statements and Arguments
4. Statement–Assumptions
5. Statement–Conclusions
6. Deriving Conclusions from Passages

Part - IV
Mathematics (Study Material with Objective Questions and Answers)
1. Ratio and Proportion
2. Percentage
3. Averages
4. Profit and Loss
5. Time and Distance
6. Alligation or Mixture
7. Simple Interest and Compound Interest
8. Time and Work

Part - V
Current Affairs
1. Set-1
2. Set-2
3. Set-3
4. Set-4
5. Set-5
6. Set-6
7. Set-7
8. Set-8
9. Set-9
10. Set-10
11. Set-11
12. Set-12
13. Set-13

Detailed Contents
14. Set-14
15. Set-15
16. Set-16
17. Set-17
18. Set-18
19. Set-19
20. Set-20
21. Set-21
22. Set-22
23. Set-23
24. Set-24

Part - VI
General Knowledge
1. History
2. Indian Economy
3. General Science
4. Geography
5. Sports and Games
6. General Knowledge (Miscellaneous)

i. Set-1
ii. Set-2
iii. Set-3
iv. Set-4
v. Set-5
vi. Set-6
vii. Set-7
viii. Set-8
ix. Set-9
x. Set-10
xi. Set-11
xii. Set-12
xiii. Set-13
xiv. Set-14
xv. Set-15
xvi. Set-16
xvii. Set-17
xviii. Set-18

Part - VII
Fully Solved Model Papers (15 Sets)
1. Model Paper 1
2. Model Paper 2
3. Model Paper 3
4. Model Paper 4
5. Model Paper 5
6. Model Paper 6
7. Model Paper 7
8. Model Paper 8
9. Model Paper 9
10. Model Paper 10
11. Model Paper 11
12. Model Paper 12
13. Model Paper 13
14. Model Paper 14
15. Model Paper 15
Title দ্য আল্টিমেট গাইড টু দ্য এলএলবি এক্সামিনেশান ২০১৪
ISBN 9789351430261
Edition 6th Edition
Country Abroad
Language English

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দ্য আল্টিমেট গাইড টু দ্য এলএলবি এক্সামিনেশান ২০১৪

M A Rashid

৳ 1,254 ৳1254.0

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