DNA technology, a predominant forensic technique, is more or less infallible in identifying criminals when biological material is left at a crime scene. It sharply minimises the chances of probability factors and subjectivism in judicial process, however, this technology has some inherent factors that would give rise to problems in the conventional system of justice. It may touch the human rights of the accused like right to privacy, right of silence, etc. Most countries that have introduced DNA technology in their administration of justice are facing the misuse or abuse of genetic materials. Scientifi c inquiry may be unbiased and infallible, but the human factors that regulate the ultimate decision of the examination are always subjective as well as fallible. The probability of manipulation of this type of scientifi c evidence by unwarranted intervention by the human agencies cannot be ruled out. The present book, DNA Technology in Administration of Justice, elaborates the above position in the fi eld of justice. The author has made an effort to strike a balance between the two confl icting view points of prosecution and defence in a criminal proceeding. The author also suggests the ideal approach to deal with the said problems in suggesting suitable legislation in dealing with the DNA evidence. This book will prove to be indispensable to investigators, judges, lawyers and academicians who are interested in implementing this new technology for achieving better administration of justice without affecting the human rights of the accused persons.
ডিএনএ টেকনোলজি ইন অ্যামিনিস্ট্রেশন অফ জাস্টিস -২০০৭