Principles of Genetics

1st Edition, 2011


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Principles of Genetics (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

S. V. Sawardekar, S. S. Sawant, and S. G. Bhave’s Principles of Genetics, published by International Book House, is a comprehensive book for Life Sciences/Biology students who have opted for Genetics and Genomics in various courses. It comprises of topics like: History of Genetics and its Scope, Chromosome Structure, Morphology of Eukaryotic Chromosome, Cell Division: Mitosis, Cell Division: Meiosis, Mendel and His Work, Mendel's Laws of Inheritance, Gene Interactions, Multiple Alleles, Pleiotropism, Quantitative and Qualitative Traits, Multiple Factor Hypothesis, Cytoplasmic Inheritance (Extra Nuclear Inheritance), Linkage, Crossing Over, Chromosomal Aberrations: Numerical, Chromosomal Aberrations: Structural, DNA and its Structure, RNA: Structure, Function and Type, Protein Synthesis, Gene Expression, Mutation, Methods of Sex Determination, and Sex Limited, Sex Influenced and Sex Limited Characters.

About International Book House
International Book House, more famously known as IBH, was founded in 1941. They have now adapted to the latest e-Resources and innovations to keep up with the latest trends of reaching out to customers through different platforms. Their books conform to the latest syllabus prescribed by various educational boards of India, and are compiled by experts in their respective fields.
Title Principles of Genetics
ISBN 9788191064261
Edition 1st Edition, 2011
Number of Pages 266
Country India
Language English

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