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Oxford Handbook of Orthopedics and Trauma

1st Edition, 2011


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Oxford Handbook of Orthopedics and Trauma (Paperback)

TK. 3,600

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Product Specification & Summary

The Oxford Handbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma offers junior doctors, medical students, and all those with an interest in the field the practical and up-to-date information needed for clinical practice. It presents the essentials of orthopaedics and trauma in a concise and user-friendly style for use with patients, in the operating room, and in tutorials. As well as covering the basic principles and conditions of both adult and paediatric orthopaedics and trauma, it also contains a comprehensive overview of anatomy and surgery. Helpful illustrations and diagrams guide the reader, aiding the understanding of movements and anatomical relationships, which are of particular importance in establishing a diagnosis. Information is extensively referenced with further reading materials, providing a structured basis in for all levels of training. Emergency topics are highlighted for quick access and the appendix provides information on common drugs in orthopaedics and trauma, as well as fracture diagrams. The book is clearly laid out, and written in an easily readable note-based style. Blank pages are included for the reader, so that notes, observations, and local protocols can be included, thereby individualising the Handbook. Written by trainees and qualified surgeons, the Oxford Handbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma is an accessible and informative tool for all junior doctors and students in the field.
Title Oxford Handbook of Orthopedics and Trauma
ISBN 9780198569589
Edition 1st Edition, 2011
Number of Pages 656
Country Abroad
Language English

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