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Oxford Handbook of Cardiology

2nd Edition, 2012


চলবে ২১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Oxford Handbook of Cardiology (Paperback)

TK. 2,511

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Product Specification & Summary

Cardiovascular disease remains the major cause of morbidity and mortality throughout developed countries and is also rapidly increasing in developing countries. Cardiovascular medicine and the specialty of cardiology continue to expand, and the remit of the cardiologist is forever broader with the development of new sub-specialties. The Oxford Handbook of Cardiology provides a comprehensive but concise guide to all modern cardiological practice with an emphasis on practical clinical management in many different contexts. This second edition addresses all the key advances made in the field since the previous edition, including interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, and pharmacology. It expands the remit to medical students and the more junior doctor while retaining the level of detail required by more senior practitioners within the field.

* Provides rapid access to essential clinical information for use on the wards and in the clinic
* Includes specialist sections on common diagnostic tests, management of cardiac problems in pregnancy, and cardiology in developing countries
* Assists readers in unfamiliar territory and is the perfect aide-memoire for the basics

New to this edition
* Addresses all the recent key advances in the fields of interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, and pharmacology
* Now more relevant to medical students and junior doctors, but still retains the level of detail required by more senior practitioners within the field
* Features a major new chapter on drugs for the heart, and includes specific sections on hypertension management and hyperlipidaemia management

Table Of Contents
1 Cardiac diagnosis
2 Drugs for the heart
3 Valvular heart disease and endocarditis
4 Coronary artery disease
5 Interventional cardiology
6 Heart failure
7 Heart muscle diseases
8 Pericardial diseases
9 Arrythmias
10 Invasive electrocardiography
11 Congenital heart disease
12 Multisystem disorders
13 Cardiology in developing countries
14 Heart disease in pregnancy
15 Major trials in cardiology
16 Eponymous syndromes
17 Practical procedures
18 Cardiovascular emergencies
Title Oxford Handbook of Cardiology
ISBN 9780199643219
Edition 2nd Edition, 2012
Number of Pages 880
Country Abroad
Language English

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