A Textbook of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Revised Edition, 2006


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A Textbook of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Summary Of The Book
The subject of refrigeration and airconditioning is one of great significance as public focus shifts to food processing and preservation technologies. This highlights the need for professionals well-versed in the basics of this technology.
A Textbook Of Refrigeration And Air Conditioning elaborates on the basics of this subject by including discussions on topics like multiple evaporator and compressor systems, simple and compound vapour compression refrigeration systems, air refrigeration cycles and systems, psychrometry, vapour absorption refrigeration and compressor systems, comfort conditions, psychrometry, refrigerants and compressors, cooling load estimation, steam jet refrigeration system, evaporators, condensers, expansion devices, and food preservation including cryogenics, fans, and ducts.
A Textbook Of Refrigeration And Air Conditioning also features practical applications of refrigeration and air conditioning, thereby helping to buttress the theoretical knowledge already gleaned.
The revised edition features colour pictures and refrigeration tables with charts, which help enhance the value of the content and assist students to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

About the Authors
J.K. Gupta and R.S. Khurmi are the co-authors of several textbooks including Mechanical Engineering: Conventional and Objective Type : Conventional and Objective Type, A Textbook of Thermal Engineering (SI Units), Refrigeration Tables with Charts : SI Units, Theory of Machines, and A Textbook of Machine Design.

R.S. Khurmi’s other works include Strength of Materials : Mechanics of Solids (SI Units), Steam Tables With Mollier Diagram: In S.I. Units, A Textbook of Workshop Technology: Manufacturing Processes, A Textbook Of Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulic Mechanics, Principles Of Electronic Devices
Title A Textbook of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
ISBN 9788121927819
Edition Revised Edition, 2006
Number of Pages 720
Country India
Language English

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A Textbook of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

J.K. Gupta 

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