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ইন্টারন্যাশেনাল রিলেশনস

1st Edition, 2012


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ইন্টারন্যাশেনাল রিলেশনস (Paperback)

TK. 2,198

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Product Specification & Summary

International Relations: Perspectives for the Global South examines systematically some relevant concepts, approaches and themes germane to the teaching and research of international relations in India, and more generally the Global South. It is an outcome of a sustained conversation between its co-editors regarding the pedagogy and the politics of knowledge informing the study of international relations. This volume departs from conventional texts in the discipline and includes categories of race, class and gender on the one hand and colonialism and imperialism on the other, to understand contemporary world politics. At the same time, it does not ignore mainstream ideas such as security, development and geopolitics, and classical international relations theories such as realism and liberalism.

 The volume delves into local and global disciplinary histories to understand a range of developments such as global economic governance, global migration, global culture, global terrorism and global social movements. It also contains instructive chapters on international law and international institutions. Primarily written for students and teachers of international relations, this book will also be useful for scholars located in the allied social sciences.

Key Features
* Comprehensive coverage of all possible areas and new approaches to the discipline
* Renowned scholars who are specialists in the respective subject areas
* Addresses the concerns of universities in South Asia regarding the study of International Relations
* Cutting-edge analysis and updated reading list

Table of Contents

PART-1 Theories
1. Introduction - BS Chimni and Siddharth Mallavarapu
2. Theories of International Relations - Siddharth Mallavarapu
3. Indian Thinking in International Relations - Siddharth Mallavarapu
4. Indian Foreign Policy - Vineet Thakur
5. Race and IR - Nivedita Menon
6. Class and IR - B.S.Chimni
7. Gender and IR - Anuradha Chenoy

PART-2 Concepts
8. Colonialism - Himadeep Muppidi
9. Imperialism - B.S. Chimni
10. Sovereignty - David Blaney and Naeem Inayatullah
11. Security - Rajesh Rajagopalan
12. Geopolitics - Sanjay Chaturvedi
13. Development - Jayati Ghosh
14. Sustainable Development - Rohan D'Souza
15. Cosmopolitanism - Rahul Rao

PART-3 The Global
16. Global History - G.Balachandran
17. Globalization - Shibashis Chatterjee
18. Global Economic Governance - Amrita Narlikar
19. Global Finance - C.P. Chandrasekhar
20. Global Migration - Stephen Castles
21. Global Culture - Yudhishthir Raj Isar
22. Global Cities - Chandan Gowda
23. Global Terrorism - Kanti Bajpai
24. Global Justice - Neera Chandhoke

PART-4 Law, Institutions and Movements
25. International Law - B.S. Chimni
26. Theories of International Organization - Clive Archer
27. United Nations - C.S.R. Murthy
28. Human Rights - Ajay Gudavarthy
29. Humanitarianism - Michael Barnett
30. Social Movements - T.K. Oommen
31. Gandhi and World Politics - Thomas Weber
Title ইন্টারন্যাশেনাল রিলেশনস
ISBN 9788131771662
Edition 1st Edition, 2012
Number of Pages 496
Country India
Language English

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ইন্টারন্যাশেনাল রিলেশনস

B.S. Chimni

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