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M. Kabir Hassan Ph.D. books


এম. কবির হাসান পিএইচ.ডি

Prominent international economist Dr. Mohammad Kabir Hassan, Professor of Finance in the Department of Economics and Finance in the University of New Orleans. He is an active advocate for Islamic Finance. He has continually promoted Islamic Finance as a professor, researcher, editor, consultant, and representative on technical boards in AAOIFI, a Bahrain-based not-for-profit organization that was established to maintain and promote Shariah standards for Islamic financial institutions, participants and the overall industry. He currently holds three endowed Chairs-Hibernia Professor of Economics and Finance, Hancock Whitney Chair Professor in Business, and Bank One Professor in Business- in the University of New Orleans. Professor Hassan is the winner of the 2016 Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Prize in Islamic Banking and Finance. Professor Hassan received his BA in Economics and Mathematics from Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota, USA, and M.A. in Economics and Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA respectively. Renowned scholar Hassan is a financial economist with consulting, research and teaching experiences in development finance, money and capital markets, Islamic finance, corporate finance, investments, monetary economics, macroeconomics, Islamic banking and finance, and international trade and finance. Professor Hassan has done consulting work for the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank, Transparency International-Bangladesh (TIB), Islamic Development Bank, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Government of Turkey and many private organizations. Professor Hassan has been elected a Board Member of Ethics and Governance Committee and Education Board of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for the Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). He also holds academic service position in Internal Review of Ph.D. Program in Financial Economics (Department) as well as Departmental Search Committee in Finance: 1994-1995; 1995-1996 (Department). Professor Kabir Hassan is the Chair of Finance Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Committee, Monetary Theory and Institutions and member of MBA Program Committee (College): 1996-2000; 2008-2020 as well as member of Graduate Council: 2015-2020. Dr. Hassan has provided academic leaderships to several organizations. He has over 350 papers [225 SCOPUS, 108 SSCI, 58 ESCI, 227 ABDC, 161 ABS] published as book chapters and in top refereed academic journals. The number of publications would put Professor Hassan in the top 1% of peers who continue to publish one refereed article per year over a long period of time according to an article published in Journal of Finance. Professor Hassan has also been cited as one of the most prolific authors in finance literature in the last fifty years in a paper published in Journal of Finance Literature. His publication record puts him among the top 5.6% of all authors who published in the 26 leading finance journals. He is among the top 5% authors according to number of Journal Pages at RePAC/IDEAS. He has won 32 Best Paper Awards from Academic Conference presentations. He has an H-index of 63 from Google Scholar. A frequent traveler, Dr. Hassan gives lectures and workshops in the US and abroad and has presented over 408 research papers at professional conferences and has delivered 184 invited papers/seminars. For his outstanding research and scholarly work, Dr. Hassan has been recognized with Lifetime Achievement Award by UNO Research Council in 2019. Professor Hassan has supervised 62 doctoral theses at the University of New Orleans and acted as External examiners for 49 dissertations from countries like Australia, New Zealand, USA, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Canada. Professor Hassan has evaluated promotion documents of many faculty members from the USA and abroad. Professor Hassan has numerous teaching awards for his outstanding teaching from the University of New Orleans and outside academic organizations. He won 27 Teaching Awards from UNO and external academic and professional organizations. He is Editor Board member for 26 journals. He has also edited and published seventeen books. He has interviewed in all major new and media services worldwide. Professor Kabir Hassan has served public both in US and abroad in various capacities.

এম. কবির হাসান পিএইচ.ডি এর বই সমূহ

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