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Globalization and The Muslim World (Paperback)

M. Kabir Hassan Ph.D.

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Globalization and The Muslim World

৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Globalization and The Muslim World (Paperback)

TK. 400 TK. 320 You Save TK. 80 (20%)
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৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে শুরু হচ্ছে বর্ষসেরা অফার ক্লিয়ারেন্স সেলস! বইয়ে ৭০% পর্যন্ত ছাড় এবং পণ্যে ৭৮% পর্যন্ত ছাড়!

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Product Specification & Summary

Socio-economic changes are going on under globalization. The wave of globalization has been bringing changes in the lives of peoples of Muslim World also. These changes of globalization, in the mean time, have created awareness worldwide as it has been accepted as well as rejected by the people.
At this juncture, Professor Dr. M. Kabir Hassan has rightly defined globalization and identified its scope and process in this book which is helpful to understand it with a view to protecting the Islamic faith, heritage, values and culture. According to him, if the era of globalization has seen widening global disparities, it is due to the laggards in globalization as much as to those countries that have taken advantage of the opportunities to grow rapidly. The Muslim countries have been classified as developing country which far not have benefited from globalization and in fact in some cases have been hurt by it. However, he has shown: how the Muslim countries could be benefited from globalization.
The book has 10 (ten) chapters no global issues and the Muslim World. Each of them provides much information that may enrich the knowledgeable conscious people from all walks of life.
Title Globalization and The Muslim World
ISBN 9848203350
Edition 1st Published, 2003
Number of Pages 415
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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Globalization and The Muslim World

M. Kabir Hassan Ph.D.

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