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মাইক্রোসফট লিন্ক সার্ভার ২০১৩- আনলিসড

2nd Edition, 2014


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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মাইক্রোসফট লিন্ক সার্ভার ২০১৩- আনলিসড (Paperback)

TK. 1,744

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Product Specification & Summary

The most comprehensive, realistic and useful guide to Microsoft Lync Server 2013, todays leading Unified Communications system.

Four expert Lync consultants and implementers bring together in-the-trenches guidance for all facets of planning, integration, deployment and administration. The authors introduce Microsoft Lync Server 2013, outline what it can do and review the key improvements Microsoft has made in this version.

They cover every form of communication Lync Server can manage, including IP voice, instant messaging, audio / video conferencing, web conferencing and more. Youll find expert guidance on planning infrastructure, managing day-to-day operations, server roles, multi-platform clients, security, troubleshooting and much more.

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Unleashed contains a new section on Office 365 and Lync Online, a chapter covering coexistence between on-premise and Office 365 Lync deployments and another introducing Lync online configuration and administration.

Throughout, the authors combine theory, step-by-step configuration instructions and best practices from real enterprise environments. They identify common mistakes and present proven solutions and workarounds. Simply put, they tell you what works-and show how its done.

Table of Contents
* Introduction
* Part I: Lync Server 2013 Overview
* Chapter 1: Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013
* Chapter 2: What’s New in Microsoft Lync Server 2013
* Chapter 3: Feature Overview and Benefits of Microsoft Lync Server 2013

Part II: Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Server Roles
* Chapter 5: Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Front End Server
* Chapter 6: Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Edge Server
* Chapter 7: Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Monitoring and Archiving
* Chapter 8: Mediation Server
* Chapter 9: Director
* Chapter 10: Persistent Chat

Part III: External Dependencies
* Chapter 11: Dependent Services and SQL
* Chapter 12: Firewall and Security Requirements

Part IV: Administration and Management
* Chapter 13: Monitoring Lync Server 2013
* Chapter 14: Administration of Microsoft Lync Server 2013
* Chapter 15: High-Availability and Disaster Recovery

Part V: Migrating from Older Versions
* Chapter 16: Migrating from Lync Server 2010

Part VI: Lync Voice, Video and Integration
* Chapter 17: Lync Telephony and Voice Integration
* Chapter 18: Advanced Lync Voice Configuration
* Chapter 19: Lync Native Video and Data Conferencing
* Chapter 20: Video Integration with Third-Party Products and Services

Part VII: Integration with Other Applications
* Chapter 21: Exchange and SharePoint Integration

Part VIII: Office 365 and Lync Online
Chapter 22: Lync Online and Hybrid Deployments

Part Ix: Lync Server 2013 Clients
* Chapter 23: Mac Client
* Chapter 24: Mobile Clients
* Chapter 26: Browser Client
* Chapter 27: Lync and VDI

Part X: Planning for Deployment
* Chapter 28: Planning for Lync Online and Hybrid Deployments
* Chapter 29: Virtualization Support
* Chapter 30: Planning for Basic Lync Services
* Chapter 31: Planning to Deploy External Services
* Chapter 32: Planning for Voice Deployment

Part XI: Endpoints
* Chapter 33: UC Endpoints
Title মাইক্রোসফট লিন্ক সার্ভার ২০১৩- আনলিসড
ISBN 9789332536005
Edition 2nd Edition, 2014
Number of Pages 960
Country India
Language English

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মাইক্রোসফট লিন্ক সার্ভার ২০১৩- আনলিসড

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