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কোর জাভা সার্ভার ফেসেস

3rd Edition, 2011


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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কোর জাভা সার্ভার ফেসেস (Paperback)

TK. 1,305

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Product Specification & Summary

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is the standard Java EE technology for building web user interfaces. It provides a powerful framework for developing server-side applications, allowing you to cleanly separate visual presentation and application logic. JSF 2.0 is a major upgrade, which not only adds many useful features but also greatly simplifies the programming model by using annotations and “convention over configuration” for common tasks.

Salient Features
The #1 guide to rapid user interface development with JSF - now fully updated for the powerful new JSF 2.0!

* By two of the world's most respected Java experts: David Geary and Cay Horstmann.
* Shows web developers how to automate low-level details, eliminate unnecessary complexity in server-side development, and write superior JSF 2.0 production code
* Systematically covers JSF 2.0's powerful Ajax support, open source innovations, and new feature set

Table of Contents
* Preface
* Acknowledgments
1. Getting Started
2. Managed Beans
3. Navigation
4. Standard JSF Tags
5. Facelets [JSF 2.0 Topic]
6. Data Tables
7. Conversion and Validation
8. Event Handling
9. Composite Components [JSF 2.0 Topic]
10. Ajax [JSF 2.0]
11. Custom Components, Converters, and Validators
12. External Services
13. How Do I . . . ?
Title কোর জাভা সার্ভার ফেসেস
ISBN 9788131761922
Edition 3rd Edition, 2011
Number of Pages 672
Country India
Language English

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কোর জাভা সার্ভার ফেসেস

Cay S. Horstmann

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