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Core Java, Volume I : Fundamentals (Paperback)

Cay S. Horstmann

Total: TK. 1,492

Core Java, Volume I : Fundamentals

10th Edition, 2016


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Core Java, Volume I : Fundamentals (Paperback)

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TK. 1,492

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Product Specification & Summary

Core Java: Volume 1 Fundamentals is a comprehensive book on Java SE 7. The book comprises of chapters on Java programming environment, objects and classes, inheritance, interfaces and inner classes, graphic programming and generic programming. In addition, the book consists of several code examples, which will help in better understanding of the concepts. This book is essential for senior programmers and computer science engineers.

About the Authors
Cay S. Horstmann is a professor of computer science at San Jose State University. He was the former vice president of Preview Systems Inc. and a consultant on C and Java. He has authored books like Core Java, Volume I: Fundamentals and Core Java, Volume II: Advanced Features.

Gary Cornell is an academic author and educationist. He completed his Ph.D. from Brown University and is a visiting scientist at IBM Watson Laboratories. He has co-authored books like Core Java, Volume I: Fundamentals.

Table of Contents
* Chapter 1: An Introduction to Java
* Chapter 2: The Java Programming Environment
* Chapter 3: Fundamental Programming Structures in Java
* Chapter 4: Objects and Classes
* Chapter 5: Inheritance
* Chapter 6: Interfaces and Inner Classes
* Chapter 7: Event Handling
* Chapter 8: Graphics Programming
* Chapter 9: User Interface Components with Swing
* Chapter 10: Deploying Applications and Applets
* Chapter 11: Exceptions, Assertions, Logging and Debugging
* Chapter 12: Collections
* Chapter 13: Generic Programming
* Chapter 14: Multithreading
* Appendix: Java Keywords
Title Core Java, Volume I : Fundamentals
ISBN 9789332582712
Edition 10th Edition, 2016
Number of Pages 1007
Country India
Language English

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Core Java, Volume I : Fundamentals

Cay S. Horstmann

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