AutoCAD Electrical 2010 for Engineers

1st Edition, 2010


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AutoCAD Electrical 2010 for Engineers (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

AutoCAD Electrical 2010 for Engineers is a comprehensive book for undergraduate electrical engineers. The book introduces students to computer aided drawing and shows them how AutoCAD can be used to generate professional quality drawings for electrical control design. The book showcases the various features of AutoCAD Electrical 2010, and helps students pick up the skills they will need to survive in the professional environment. It also introduces them to creating innovative electrical control systems through existing workflows and shows how to use the latest features to achieve what they want. The book is an indispensable resource for all electrical and electronics engineers.
About the Authors
Sham Tickoo is an professor working in the Mechanical Engineering department at Purdue University. He has written several books on CAD such as AutoCAD: A Problem-Solving Approach: 2013 and Beyond, Autodesk Maya 2011 : A Comprehensive Guide, Exploring Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 and Pro Engineer Wildfire 5.0 For Engineers And Designers (With CD).

Shafali Pandita is a software professional working at Cadcim technologies and has been training students in the usage of CAD software for a few years.
Title AutoCAD Electrical 2010 for Engineers
ISBN 9788131732137
Edition 1st Edition, 2010
Number of Pages 800
Country India
Language English

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AutoCAD Electrical 2010 for Engineers

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