This book has been designed as a one-stop solution for students preparing for the CAT and various MBA entrance examinations. This book explains various models and concepts in a concise manner and provides a large number of solved examples taken from actual examinations. It contains the essence of the combined knowledge of an experienced team that has years of experience in helping students prepare for such examinations.
Salient Features: * Prepared by the experienced and highly qualified professionals (including graduates of IIT and IIM) of Triumphant Institute of Management Education, the leader in training students for CAT and other MBA entrance examinations * Comprehensive coverage of topics with a large number of illustrative examples * Three practice exercises, arranged in increasing order of difficulty level easy, medium and difficult to help students learn and progress in a gradual manner * Over 300 solved examples and 3400 questions for practice * Ten highly-quality practice test papers reflecting recent CAT papers * Link to two online AIMCATs by T.I.ME.
Table of Contents * Part A Quantitative Aptitude * Part B Data Interpretation * Part C Data Sufficiency * Part D Practice Tests